February 22, 2009

An Update: On Life

Gare and I are still looking at houses, but it is exhausting so we tend to take a week or two as breaks in between. It helps us to continue trusting in God's timing and just refresh our minds of what is going on with the market and the economy. Man, you should see some of the crazy homes we have seen -- really shows how odd people are! Thankfully, the prices are still going down... but a new problem arises...

I was informed that some serious changes are to take place at my job (MD Ford Warranty). We are downsizing our office as well as the staff and I can tell that if car sales keep going the way they are, we may have to make more changes to survive -- I know that means that I would lose my job. They asked me to cut back my hours, but we will see how bad it gets. Please pray that God will guide me to where He needs me. I know that He will provide for us. I just cant imagine having to spend any of our savings and risk our chances at buying a house due to this situation.

Gare and I have been diving into community with a group from our church. As a church we are seeking to reach out to our neighbors with the gospel, but the process has only just begun. It is similar to a missionary process. You can not just go in and share the gospel with people... you have to build a relationship with them, love them and live with them. At this point we are being 'trained up' to understand what God's Word has to say about the importance of this. We are enjoying the new friendships and being involved with the church again.

Happy Monday tomorrow!!!


Fun Stuff...


Thanks, Christina and Iona!

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